Scientific WorkPlace and Scientific Word are perfect for writers in all technical fields: mathematics, physics, engineering, chemistry, computer science, economics, finance, statistics, medical research, operations research, logic, and more. They are ideal tools for academic, industry, and government institutions.
Both technical and non-technical users can quickly learn to perform such tasks as entering and numbering equations, creating tables and matrices, importing graphics, and performing document-based tasks such as generating a table of contents or an index. Scientific WorkPlace and Scientific Word simplify working on books and other large documents.
Scientific WorkPlace and Scientific Notebook are your gateway to interactive teaching and learning in the sciences. Far more powerful and easier to use than a calculator, Scientific WorkPlace and Scientific Notebook are ideal for reports, research papers, exams, and homework.
These two products are optimized for handling mathematical content. Entering and editing mathematical expressions is simple and direct using correct mathematical notation. All expressions are live; you can compute directly with mathematics in standard form. Working in a document, you can perform numeric and symbolic computations and plot expressions with MuPAD® without having to know the syntax.