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Image Processing Extension Pack
Extend the built-in functionality of Mathcad 2001 Professional or Premium with the essential tools for image processing, analysis and visualization.
The Image Processing Extension Pack, coupled with Mathcad 2001, provides a powerful solution for iterative exploration and investigative analysis. With its extensive image processing, analysis and visualization capabilities, this Extension Pack is ideal for research scientists and engineers, design engineers, system analysts and image specialists working on imaging applications across many industries, including defense, photography, medicine, manufacturing, law enforcement and multimedia. It is also a valuable tool for students studying electrical engineering or computer sciences.
This robust Mathcad add-on tool provides a total of over 140 built-in image processing functions, including over 50 new and enhanced capabilities for filtering, morphology, edge detection, segmentation and feature extraction. In addition to this added imaging power, Mathcads regular matrix operations and numerics are on your desktop to help you fully analyze images stored in matrix form.
The Image Processing Extension Pack also offers an interactive image viewer for easy manipulation, various file formats to make it easier to work with other applications, and expanded electronic documentation with templates and application examples. And because the Image Processing Extension Pack builds upon Mathcads superior technical design environment, you can incorporate your image processing work with publication-quality technical documents, graphs and presentations created in Mathcad.
Combined with your Mathcad desktop, this Extension Pack provides all the depth and breadth found in competing products, along with superior ease-of-use, flexibility and extensibility.
This title is included in the Communication System Design (CSD) Pack.
System Requirements:
- Updated to be compatible with Mathcad 2001 and Mathcad 2001i.
- CD-ROM drive and Windows 95, 98, NT 4.0, 2000 or XP operating system.
- 5 Mb of hard disk space
Highlights of New Functionality
- Filtering - denoising of images
- Morphology - to achieve sharper image characterizations for object identification
- Edge Detection - image enhancement for object identification
- Segmentation - for analyzing specific regions/clusters of interest
- Feature Extraction - to quantify object features such as length, size, other dimensions
- New image viewer with interactive image manipulation capabilities (zoom/pan/crop, brightness/contrast, rotate/flip/transpose, etc)
- New file formats (BMP, GIF, JPG, PCX, TARGA, PGM, TIFF)
- Expanded Electronic Book documentation and application files
Function List
The Image Processing Extension Pack delivers over 140 built-in functions, including capabilities in all these areas:
Color Formats : RGB, HLS, HSV
Image Data Types : double, color
Point Operations Blending, boolean, threshold, invert, scale, level mapping, add noise, all default mathcad ops, histograms, histogram equalize, LUT, colormap ops, binarize, automatic threshold, clip, scale.
Geometric Transforms Flip, rotate 90, general rotate, translate (pan), zoom, bilinear warping, interactive region extraction (using the viewer)
Filtering Enhancement Median, quantile (order statistic) convolve, correlated, smoothing, crisping, frequency filters, Wiener filter
Transforms Fft, wavelet, cosine transform (dct)
Morphology Erosion, dilation, opening, closing, thinning, skeleton, distance transform, grayscale morphology, convex hull
Edge Detection All common ones, sobel, roberts etc., Canny, morphology, row/column gradients
Segmentation Thresholding, automatic thresholding, region growing
Feature Extraction Connected components, convex hull, distance transform, moment invariants, general features - centroids, moments, etc.
Multidimensional Support Fft
Video processing support None
Wavelet Tools A wavelet toolbox
Signal Pro Tools A signal processing toolbox
Display/Visualization In-place viewer displays images, maps pseudo color, zoom, scale, flip, brightness, contrast
Display Interactivity ROI selection, point selection, line selection
Customizable (Macros) Mathcad functions
Customizable (GUI) None
Extensibility (C/Fortran) Ability to add C code
Platforms Windows
Standards Support (OLE or CORBA) OLE support
Internet Ability to publish pages on the web
Electronic Guidance: Chapter List
Introductory Material
- About Mathcad Electronic Books
- Introduction to Image Processing in Mathcad
- Reading and Writing Images
- The Mathcad Image Viewer
Image Processing Functions
- Image Manipulation
- Addition and Measurement of Noise
- Binarization and Quantization
- Equalization
- Function and Level Mapping
- Histograms
- Scaling and Clipping
- Thresholding and Inversion
- Manipulating Color in Images
- Grayscale and Color in Images
- HLS and HSV Color Systems
- Television Image Color Standards
- Tools for Packed Matrices
Combinations of Images
- Replacing Part of an Image
- Blending and Masking
- Boolean Operations
- Error and Noise Measurement
Geometric Transforms
- Flipping Images
- Rotating Images
- Translating Images
- Bilinear Warping
- Zooming and Scaling
- Convolution and Filtering
- Convolution
- Crisping
- 2-D Image Correlation
- Median and Quantile Filtering
- Smoothing
- Wiener Filtering
Morphological Processing
- Erosion and Dilation
- Morphological Opening and Closing
- Grayscale Morphology
- Thinning and Skeletonization
The Transform Domain
- Filtering in Fourier Transform Domain
- Centering a Transformed Image
- Gaussian Kernel Filtering
- Wavelet Transform Filtering
- Discrete Cosine Transform
Edge Finders
- Canny Edge Detector
- Convolution Edge Finders
- Convolution and Comparison Edge Finders
- Laplacian Edge Finders
- Row and Column Gradients
Feature Extraction
- Connected Component Labeling
- Vonvex Hull
- Euclidean Distance Transform
- Moment Invariants
- Shape Features
Image Segmentation
- Image Filtering and Restoration
- Filtering Noise
- Wavelet Smoothing
- Homomorphic Filtering
- Removing Scanner Stripes
- Deblurring via Transforms
Image Enhancement
- Correcting a CCD Image
- Mapping Image Intensities
- Machine Quality Control of Corn
- Downsampling: A Primer
- Pseudocolor Enhancement
- Fading In and Out
Vision and Segmentation
- A Simple Letter Detector
- Tracking Moving Objects in Aerial Images
- Machine Vision: Locating Holes
- Machine Grading of Potatoes
- Segmentation of the Brain
Visualization and Synthetic Images
- Imaging a Speech Spectrogram
- A Demonstration of Ray Tracing
- Ray Tracing and Mapping
- Visualizing Complex Functions
Image Distortions
- Bitmapped Type
- Instant 'Art'
Resources: Useful Mathcad Constructs
- Bibliography
- Index of Sample Images
- Index of Functions
- Superseded Functions